Geodesic Dome

Zip Tie Domes

Geodesic Dome Kits that are Easy to Build!

Customer Reviews of our Geodesic Dome Kits

Zip Tie Domes

Geodesic Chicken Coop
Geodesic Dome Kits that are Easy to Build!

Customer Reviews of our Geodesic Dome Kits

Zip Tie Domes

Customer Reviews of our Geodesic Dome Kits

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25' 3/8 3V Geodesic Dome for Oshkosh Aircraft Festival
Customer Review by Bruce Belligan

5 Star Review

Oshkosh Aviation Festival Tent


Dome set up with a 24’ parachute waiting for the PVC tarps.

Located at the Experimental Aircraft Association Convention July 22-28 in Oshkosh Wisconsin.

I usually have 2 or more people, per day, stop and ask about it. General consensus : Cool!


How to Purchase This 25' 3v 3/8 Geodesic Dome Kit

To place an order online, visit our Online Catalog.

For a telephone order, call us at 1-931-858-6892.

Or, go to our Contact Us page to send us an email.

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