Geodesic Dome

Zip Tie Domes

Geodesic Dome Kits that are Easy to Build!

Geodesic Silo Dome Kits for Sale

Zip Tie Domes

Geodesic Chicken Coop
Geodesic Dome Kits that are Easy to Build!

Geodesic Silo Dome Kits for Sale

Zip Tie Domes

Geodesic Silo Dome Kits for Sale

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2v Silo Dome with Standard Hubs

These kits use 1" PVC Pipe for supporting 150 to 200 lbs in weight.

2v Silo Dome with Dual Covering Hubs

These kits use 1" PVC Pipe for supporting 150 to 200 lbs in weight, and allow two layers of Greenhouse Plastic to be attached to the dome.


11' wide, 9' tall 2v Silo Dome with Standard Hubs



2v Geodesic Shelter Silo Dome Kits

These kits use 1.5" PVC Pipe to support over 300 lbs of weight, and are suitable for semi-permanent shelters or as a form for concrete applications


17' wide, 13' tall 2v Shelter Silo Dome


Standard Hubs

Dual Covering Hubs

The Standard Hubs are used for most domes with 1" PVC Pipe struts, including Chicken Coops and Greenhouses with 1 layer of plastic.

The Dual Covering Hubs allows 2 layers of Greenhouse Plastic to be attached to the Dome, one on the inside of the dome, and one on the outside of the dome, to create better insulation for a greenhouse.


Geodesic Dome Examples

2v Dome
10'-20' wide
5'-10' tall

2v Silo Dome
10'-20' wide
8'-15' tall
3v 3/8 Dome
17'-30' wide
7'-12' tall
3v 5/8 Dome
17'-30' wide
10'-17' tall
4v Dome
21'-38' wide
10'-19' tall
5v 7/15 Dome
27'-48' wide
12'-21' tall
5v 8/15 Dome
27'-48' wide
15'-26' tall
6v Dome
33'-58' wide
16'-29' tall

To place an order online, visit our Online Catalog.

For a telephone order, call us at 1-931-858-6892.

Or, go to our Contact Us page to send us an email.

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