Geodesic Dome

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Geodesic Dome Kits that are Easy to Build!

Customer Review of our Geodesic Dome Kit

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Geodesic Dome Kits that are Easy to Build!

Customer Review of our Geodesic Dome Kit

Zip Tie Domes

Customer Review of our Geodesic Dome Kit

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Gene Davis - Customer Review of Our 16' Geodesic Silo Dome Kit
to Cover Fruit Trees

5 Star Review



I am looking at your products for a solution to my fruit tree problems. 

I would like to protect my fruit from late-season freezes by building a greenhouse over each tree and protect them from birds as the fruit ripens by covering them with chicken wire. 

Do you have any experience with your products being used like this? The plastic layer would have to be removable but the chicken wire could stay year-round. 

I'm thinking an eight-foot-tall knee wall with a sixteen-foot 2V dome on top would fit my trees.

Thank you,

Gene Davis
Altus, OK


Hi John,

I am wondering if we can do multiple rows of the straight silo section to raise the dome up to eight feet above the ground?

I'd also want to put a door in the silo section.




Yes, we can do that.  But if the vertical kneewall section goes up to 8' tall before the 16' wide dome begins to arch over, then the very top of the dome will add another 8', which will make the top of the dome 16' tall.  Is that what you need?

And yes, you can just take out one of the horizontal struts to make a diamond shaped door as in this customer review:

Other rectangular door ideas are at these links:



Hi John,

Just a quick update on my fruit tree project.

In the first picture, I have the scaffolding set up getting ready to install plastic and or bird netting.

The second picture is showing how I anchored the hubs. 

There are two thirty-inch rebar anchors through each hub and there are screwed-in anchors tied to each hub on the second row. 

I don't want it to blow away.  We may not get another freeze this year so I may only install bird netting.  Time will tell.  



How to Purchase This 16' Geodesic Silo Dome Kit



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