Geodesic Dome

Zip Tie Domes

Geodesic Dome Kits that are Easy to Build!

2V Octahedron Dome Calculator

Zip Tie Domes

Geodesic Chicken Coop
Geodesic Dome Kits that are Easy to Build!

2V Octahedron Dome Calculator

Zip Tie Domes

2V Octahedron Dome Calculator

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2 Frequency Octahedron Dome Calculator

2v Octahedron Dome Calculator
2v Octahedron
Select Hub Size
No Hubs:     Standard 4" Hubs:     Super 6" Hubs:     Mega 8" Hubs:
Feet:   Meters:
Convert to Feet & Inches
Enter the Number of Feet in One Field, then Click the "Calculate" Button.

Dome Height (h)

0' 0"


Dome Width / Diameter (d)

0' 0"


Length of 12 Blue "A" Struts

0' 0"



Length of 16 Red "B" Struts

0' 0"



Dome Radius (r)

0' 0"


Dome Equator Circumference (2πr)

0' 0"


Dome Circular Floor Area in Square Feet (πr²)


0 ft2

Dome Spherical Surface Area in Square Feet (2πrh)


0 ft3

Dome Spherical Volume in Cubic Feet (πh(3r² + h²)/6)



Dome Base Perimeter Number of Sides



8 Sided Base Perimeter Length (Feet)


0 ft2

8 Sided Base Floor Area (Square Feet)



Total Number of Dome Panels / Faces


0 ft2

Surface Area for 16 Dome Panels / Faces (Square Feet)


0 ft3

Total Volume of Tetrahedrons behind 16 Dome Panels / Faces in Cubic Feet



Number of Yellow 90° 4-Way Hubs



Number of Red 72° 5-Way Hubs



Number of Blue 60° 6-Way Hubs



Number of Center Rings



Number of Zip Ties to Construct the Dome



Number of Zip Ties to Secure the Inside Dual Covering Hubs (3 per hub)



Number of Zip Ties to Secure the Outside Dual Covering Hubs (3 per hub)


0' Length
0' Width  

Absolute Minimum Square Covering Dimensions for a Tightly Fitted Dome Cover


0' Length
0' Width  

Minimum Square Covering Dimensions for a Dome Cover Secured to the Hubs with Zip Ties with a Minimum Overlap at the Bottom of the Dome


0' Length
0' Width  

Maximum Square Covering Dimensions for a Dome Cover Secured to the Hubs with Zip Ties with an Ample Overlap at the Bottom of the Dome



Total Length of All Struts Added Together (Feet)

Cost Calculation and Material Utilization Chart



Length of Pipe:


Cost Per Pipe:

Blue "A" Struts


Blue "A" Strut Units Entered:


Feet and Inches:



Number of Pipes needed to Create (12) Blue "A" Struts:



Number of Blue "A" Struts Produced From Each Uncut Pipe:



Waste for First 0 Pipes after Cutting 0 Struts Each:

0' = 0'0"




Number of Blue "A" Struts Created from the first 0 Pipes:



Number of Blue "A" Struts Created from the Last Pipe:



Waste on the Last Pipe after Cutting 0 Strut(s):





Total Waste in Creating 12 Blue "A" Struts:


Red "B" Struts


Red "B" Strut Units Entered:


Feet and Inches:



Number of Pipes needed to Create (16) Red "B" Struts:



Number of Red "B" Struts Produced From Each Uncut Pipe:



Waste for First 0 Pipes after Cutting 0 Struts Each:

0' = 0'0"




Number of Red "B" Struts Created from the first 0 Pipes:



Number of Red "B" Struts Created from the Last Pipe:



Waste on the Last Pipe after Cutting 0 Strut(s):





Total Waste in Creating 16 Red "B" Struts:





Total Waste for All Struts:



Number of Uncut Pipe/Materials Needed:



Total Cost of Materials @ $4.50 Each:



Dome Weight Chart

Weight Chart 3/4" PVC 1" PVC 1.25" PVC 1.5" PVC 3/4" EMT 1" EMT 1.25" EMT 1.5" EMT 1" Bamboo 1.5" Bamboo
Lbs Per Linear Ft .21 .32 .43 .51 .43 .64 .95 1.10 .2 .4
12 Blue "A" Struts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Red "B" Struts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Weight of Struts (lbs) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight of Hubs, Rings, Zip Ties 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Dome Weight (lbs) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Frequency Octahedron Dome Tessellation Diagram

2V Octahedron Dome Tessellation Diagram


Blue "A" Chord Factor:   1.000

Red "B" Chord Factor:   .76537

Dome Panels / Coverings


A 2V Octahedron Dome Will Require Panels / Coverings for:



4 A-A-A Equilateral Triangles

12 B-A-B Isosceles Triangles



Total Triangles: 16



Triangle Dimensions


4 A-A-A Equilateral Triangles

A-A-A Triangle
Base = "A"
Altitude A Decimal 0'
Feet and Inches 0' 0"
Measurement Strut
Center Ring
Hub Width
Triangle Edge
Total Length


Decimal 0' 0' 0'
Feet and Inches 0' 0" 0" 0' 0"
Surface Area for Each A-A-A Triangle 0 Square Feet


12 B-A-B Isosceles Triangles

B-A-B Triangle
Base = "A"
Altitude A Decimal 0'
Feet and Inches 0' 0"
B-A-B Triangle
Base = "B"
Altitude B Decimal 0'
Feet and Inches 0' 0"
Measurement Strut
Center Ring
Hub Width
Triangle Edge
Total Length


Decimal 0' 0' 0'
Feet and Inches 0' 0" 0" 0' 0"


Decimal 0' 0' 0'
Feet and Inches 0' 0" 0" 0' 0"
Surface Area for Each B-A-B Triangle 0 Square Feet


2 Frequency Octahedron Dome Calculator generated by PERL on Monday, December 9, 2024.

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Flag of Scotland
Alba gu bráth - Scotland Until Judgment

A Rose-Bud By My Early Walk

A Rose-bud by my early walk,
Adown a corn-enclosed bawk,
Sae gently bent its thorny stalk,
All on a dewy morning.
Ere twice the shades o' dawn are fled,
In a' its crimson glory spread,
And drooping rich the dewy head,
It scents the early morning.

Within the bush her covert nest
A little linnet fondly prest;
The dew sat chilly on her breast,
Sae early in the morning.
She soon shall see her tender brood,
The pride, the pleasure o' the wood,
Amang the fresh green leaves bedew'd,
Awake the early morning.

So thou, dear bird, young Jeany fair,
On trembling string or vocal air,
Shall sweetly pay the tender care
That tents thy early morning.
So thou, sweet Rose-bud, young and gay,
Shalt beauteous blaze upon the day,
And bless the parent's evening ray
That watch'd thy early morning.

Robert Burns - 1787

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For a telephone order, call us at 1-931-858-6892.

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